2024 Dates Will Be Coming Soon!


Mastermind Group: $147

Prayer Powered

Entrepreneurs & Ministry Leaders

8 Week Mastermind Group (45-Min Sessions)

This eight-week group equips entrepreneurs and ministry leaders to flourish by prayerfully aligning their lives and businesses with God. Our group will use the book, The Prayer Powered Entrepreneur: 31-Days to Building Your Business with Less Stress and More Joy as a guide, but the group is more than just a book study or prayer group.

I would like to learn more!


“You’re here to be light, bringing out the God-colors in the world. God is not a secret to be kept… Now that I’ve put you there on a hilltop, on a light stand—shine! Keep open house; be generous with your lives. By opening up to others, you’ll prompt people to open up with God, this generous Father in heaven.”

Matthew 5:14-16 MSG

Here are Some of the Benefits  You Can Expect

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Start a foundational & transformational practice of operating with God as your ultimate CEO

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Reset your personal and business compass weekly

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Tap into God's vision for you, your business, and the impact He's designed for you to have in the world

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Enjoy the community and companionship of like-minded, Christ-centered entrepreneurs & ministry leaders

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Reignite your passion and motivation for this adventure of a lifetime

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Experience the power of God doing for your business what only He can do

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How does the Mastermind Group work?

In this highly personalized mastermind group, you'll gather on Zoom (or locally in-person) once a week with 7-8 other Christ-centered entrepreneurs & ministry leaders.

Together you'll tap into God's vision for each of these 5 key areas of your business:

  • You, the entrepreneur/ministry leader
  • Your relationship with God
  • Your relationship with others
  • Your relationship with your business
  • The impact your business has in the world

and develop an enjoyable and effective prayer practice that fits into the flow of your life and business...


What happens in a Mastermind Group?

With your trained facilitator, you'll:

  • Learn the importance of building your business, ministry, or team from the inside-out
  • Engage in visioning exercises to discern what God most wants you to pray for
  • Pray together with your group and watch expectantly for what God does
  • Be encouraged as you see God working not only in your own life and business but also in the lives of others.

In between meetings, you'll continue the growth and learning with:

  • Access to the daily bite-sized prayer videos, promises, and prayer prompts
  • Beautifully designed downloadable prayer cards to keep in front of you throughout each day
  • Ongoing community and prayer and support in our weekly gatherings

How Do I Get Started?

To begin this journey...

  • Enter your email address at the top of this page
  • Purchase The Prayer Powered Entrepreneur book 
  • Read Pages 1-26 to prepare for the first session
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Purchase of Book is Required for Participation